Wednesday 30 January 2013

Poached Fish

Poached Fish, Coddled Eggs & Tomato Loaf

Thursday, 30 January 2013

My favourite so far, this one.  By a country mile.  

Tasted delicious and was a bit different from our run-of-the-mill mid-week meals.  A great combo for the James family (although Son cried off - well, fell asleep on the sofa actually and we were too soft to wake him up).  No helpers tonight but no rush either, so still no clock watching. 

Think it too me around 40 minutes probably, but I didn't make it in the order suggested and I fiddled around doing other overdue chores at the same time, so wasn't operating at top speed.

We didn't use the bread recommended by Jamie (too disorganised/lazy to schlepp to the shops for fresh bread) so grabbed a part-baked baguette from the freezer instead.  It may have been better still if we'd had a  seeded loaf but we were pretty pleased with our results nonetheless.  Unanimous vote that the eggs and bread would make a great snack (brunch?) on their own.

OJ rating: 9.5/10 (Husband said it should get a 10).

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