Saturday 5 January 2013

Happy Cow Burgers

Happy Cow Burgers, Old School Coleslaw & Corn on the Cob

Saturday, 5th January 2013

We clocked up a colossal 80 minutes for this one ... but perhaps we were feeling a bit weary after taking down the Christmas decorations.  We did adapt the recipe slightly though and we're still shaking down in the kitchen, Son and me, finding our roles (except mostly he seems to be doing the cooking and I seem to do the clearing up, which is fine by me ... so far).

Pleasingly everyone tried everything.  The corn got a big thumbs up and so did all the burger accompaniments.  Even the bean burgers met with approval from hard-core meat eaters, husband and son.  We did cheat though and we made some half bean/half beef burgers, which were judged to be even better than the full-on bean experience.  Coleslaw was good, bit too much onion for the family though.

Jamie O told us to fry the burgers in olive oil but we stuck ours in the Aga instead (thought Husband might object to more fried food after Friday's chicken).  

OJ score: 6/10

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