Sunday 6 January 2013

Pasta Pesto

Pasta Pesto, Garlic & Rosemary Chicken

Sunday, 6th January 2013

Chicken again tonight.  Enthusiasm levels are high (for now), so am making the most of Son's urge to cook. Hoping culinary interest lasts through 2013 and beyond, but suspect it will be short-lived (like the promises of dog-walking prior to getting second dog). Not sure I can sustain this three-recipes-in-a-weekend pace anyway.

Impressively down to just 45 minutes tonight.  All done by Son - just a few tips needed about how to chop chilli and where to search for almonds in the full-to-the-brim larder.

This was the best yet, eaten by all without a murmur of complaint about spinach, chilli, nuts, frying or fennel.  Delicious ... and barely any left overs. Hoorah!  

Missed my roast. Maybe next Sunday?

OJ score: 8/10

Before ... and ... 

... after.

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