Tuesday 1 January 2013

Our Mission ...

Tuesday, 1st January 2013

Our 2013 Mission ...

... is to cook all Jamie's 15 Minute Meals in a year.  There are around 120, so we will need to average around two a week. Doesn't sound too onerous (does it?).

Ready and raring to go in the starting line up, there's me, my 12 year old son and 10 year old daughter. Who'll prove to have the most staying power and still be participating come December 2013, I'm not sure.  Husband's sensibly not involving himself from the outset.

We're not doing it as a race against time. I'm not particularly interested in whether the recipes stack up against the clock and I'm certainly not expecting me and my eager (for now) assistants to knock them out in 15 minutes.

We just thought it would be novel to work our way through an entire cook book - and one that promises quick food seems like a good starting point.  I'm hoping it will prove a good way to get us all to eat things that we might not normally try.  Delicious meals, new flavours and all quick smart.  Sounds good. In theory.  We'll see.

Here goes ...

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