Thursday 10 January 2013

Broccoli Pasta

Broccoli Pasta and Chopped Garden Salad

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Truly quick and delicious too.  This, surely, is what 15 Minute Meals is all about?  Although we're yet to nail the quarter of an hour target, this took us just 20 minutes. Son and I working together again, becoming quite a slick team now. Pleased to report Daughter joined in too this evening, taking charge of the salad and making a splendid job of it. An excellent mid week meal for the family, eaten and enjoyed by all. One of our favourite meals so far.

Way too much lemon in Jamie's recipe for our liking though - a quick squeeze would have been plenty for the children (or maybe just skip the zest?). Loved the sauce though and we even braved the anchovies - not something I'd have put in my pasta if not instructed to do so by Jamie (too small and fishy and way too salty for my liking normally) but now newly educated and would use them again. Salad was ace.

Would make a great supper for girlfriends too.

OJ score: 8/10 (if it had less lemon on board).

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