Tuesday 15 January 2013

Lamb Kofte

Lamb Kofte, Pitta and Greek Salad

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Husband in Spain, Daughter been to a friend's for tea ... so this was an evening meal for Son and I; a second supper for Daughter. 

Meat-fiend Son loved it. Daughter and I were less keen, although salad and cous cous were great accompaniments. Our onion (grated into the salad along with cucumber) was killer-strength, so we could have done with a lot less. 

Slight error on the carb front, which saw me buying tortillas instead of pitta bread. Children assured me it didn't matter but pittas would definitely have been better!

Not sure I'd rush to repeat this recipe, although it was quick and it did fill a hole. Think it took around 20 minutes in total, maybe a little less. Hard to tell because Son and I made it with a homework interruption or two. 

OJ score: 5/10.  Son would have awarded a higher score, principally due to pleasingly high meat content on his plate.

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