Monday 4 February 2013

The Best Fish Baps

The Best Fish Baps, Mushy Peas & Tartare Sauce

Monday, 4th February 2013

The jury's out on this one and I'd definitely make a few changes if I cooked the meal again. It was good but all the other meals have felt somehow a little bit special and this one just didn't. I'm not sure why.  Perhaps because it's Monday and we're all a bit tired and grumpy after a busy weekend.

I was on my own doing this one. Son was doing homework, Daughter was fine-tuning a story for Radio 2's 500 Words competition and Husband wasn't home in time to be involved in any preparations.  I reckon it took around 20-25 minutes, all in (including feretting in the fridge for ingredients and in the cupboard for pans and food processor blades).

I didn't pan fry the fish - partly because I didn't fancy it, partly because we have an Aga and it's more efficient to cook in the oven rather than on the top. The flat fish fillets (plaice) that I used (as instructed by the great JO) were ... well ... flat. Too flat. I'd use normal chunky cod next time for a much 'meatier' fish burger. But perhaps we're greedy. 

Mushy peas were good (Husband and Son reported preferring 'normal' peas but Daughter, who doesn't like 'normal' peas, thought these very tasty). The sauce was also good but too runny - definitely need stodgier yoghurt than the Yeo Valley I used. Liked that it had lettuce in it though, and cornichons. 

OJ rating: 5/10 (although a good wedge of fish might bump that up a point or two).